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How I am Shedding Fat for Summer

I don't believe in diets, endless cardio, starving yourself, cutting out food groups, fasting, or any other diet trends. Losing body fat is quite simple when you are consistent, set sustainable goals, and are realistic with the timeline.

Losing body fat has three major pillars, all of which I follow and will be doing to prepare for the summer. My personal goal is to lose up to 5 lbs, basically just to have greater muscle definition, and that's it! The three pillars of fat loss are: a calorie deficit, increased activity, and proper sleep/rest. If you set "rules" or guidelines to follow surrounding these three pillars, then you will lose body fat. Follow these 3 pillars and you will be set up for success!

Pillar 1: Calorie Deficit

This is the most important pillar. You need to be in a calorie deficit, which means you are eating less food than what your body "burns" (requires to function). This will create a negative energy balance, which is good! Eating fewer calories than what your body burns requires your body to use the fat already on you as a source of energy instead of food.

To calculate and make sure you are in a calorie deficit, I would use a TDEE calculator online to estimate your daily caloric needs and use MyFitnessPal to track the food you are eating. TDEE calculators are not 100% accurate, so you will most likely need to tweak the calories. If you find yourself starving at the end of the day, try raising your calories a bit. When you're in a deficit, you should be hungry but not starving. If you're going to bed feeling really full, then lower your calories a bit. I personally do this by making sure I never eat to complete fullness and that at the end of the day, I am feeling lightly full.

I personally start my mini-cut at my maintenance calories and then decrease them by 50-100 calories a week until I reach my goal! I also am making sure that I eat 1 gram per lb of body weight in protein every day. These are two non-negotiables for me!

Pillar 2: Increased Activity

We all know that if you spend an hour on the treadmill a day and eat in a deficit, then you will likely lose a lot of weight. This is what people do when they want to lose weight really fast, but let me tell you, it is not a good idea. People are successful at first when they do this, but it is not sustainable. No one will run on the treadmill for an hour every day for the rest of their lives. Also, you cannot eat in a deficit for the rest of your life; you would develop severe health issues.

The proper way to exercise when in a calorie deficit is to lift weights and create a daily step goal. The more muscle you have on your body, the better your metabolism is, and the more you can eat (i.e., your calorie deficit doesn't need to be extreme). It also is the best exercise because you will look toned and muscular after completing your calorie deficit. If you are lifting weights and focusing on progressive overload, then all that added muscle mass on your body will be revealed during a calorie deficit, leaving you with a toned-looking physique.

As for cardio, you can decide to add in cardio sessions, but it definitely isn't necessary. You should, however, aim to walk 10,000 steps a day. The steps are great exercise because it is not taxing on your body, you increase your TDEE, and it is completely free.

I personally aim for 2-3 weight lifting sessions a week and 12,000 steps a day. I typically will do 2-3 mini-walks throughout the day to reach 12,000 and will often go over that number.

Pillar 3: Sleep/Rest

Your sleep quality is SO important for your mental and physical health. If you are not sleeping at least 7 hours a night, your hormones will be out of whack, your mood will be worse, your hunger will be different, etc. Sleep is essential for losing body fat. If you are lacking good, quality sleep, you are more likely to overeat and/or not exercise, which will not help you lose body fat.

I personally aim for 8 hours a night; it doesn't always happen, but I try! I always drink a magnesium supplement before bed, which improves my sleep and helps me relax.

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